Saturday, January 06, 2007

Reality Check...

  • Just because I’m living with a successful wealthy older woman doesn’t mean I’m a gold-digger! So, next time you see us at the grocery store, don’t ask if she’s buying me organic baby formula!

  • How can you sit in the chatroom telling me how I am wasting my life in a bar? At least I actually get out of my house and risk rejection in the real world. Unplug your computer and hold a real conversation, face to face, some day.

  • Yes I have heard the word “professional.” Prostitutes are professionals, too, so it’s not about education or skills, it’s about how much you are compensated when you get ****ed!

  • I love seeing immaculate hiking boots on people. They’d have more character — and so would you — if they were actually used on a mountain trail now and then.

  • People who use looks to judge their superiority often end up paying for a lot of plastic surgery to keep their illusion of superiority.

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