Cornelius was born on 8 December 2006 at Yusuf Dadoo hospital
Description of abductor – between 34 – 38 year old white woman, with shoulder length, brown wavy hair. Approximately 1.9m height and average weight. Not a thin woman but not very overweight either. At the time of abduction, she wore a light blue blouse with flower design and navy blue trouser pants.
If any other information is required, please contact
Insp Piet du Toit 082 319 9863
Abducted baby: Cornelius Johannes Jacobus Roets
Father: Lannel Putter (25 years)
Mother: Louisa Roets (25 years)
Grandmother: Anna Putter (49 years)
Domestic worker: Sophie Bawi (66 years)
Cornelius was born on 8 December 2006 at Yusuf Dadoo hospital
Description of abductor – between 34 – 38 year old white woman, with shoulder length, brown wavy hair. Approximately 1.9m height and average weight. Not a thin woman but not very overweight either. At the time of abduction, she wore a light blue blouse with flower design and navy blue trouser pants.
On Friday 2 March 2007, at approximately 9am a white lady arrived at Louisa and Lannel’s home at 260 Luipard Street, Krugersdorp in a white Volkswagen Polo Csassic with Free State number plates and no liscense disc on the windscreen. The domestic worker Sophie, answered the door, as Louisa and Lannel were not home at the time. They had gone to the hospital to get papers for an injury that Lannel had at work. The woman asked Sophie to show her where Mr Putters mom lives. She did not even ask for Louisa or Lannel, which proves she knows very well that the baby is looked after by the grandmother. They both drove to Anna Putter’s home on Job Street, Burgershoop. Anna Putter was outside at the time. Sohie asked the woman to stop to speak to Mrs Putter but she ignored Sophies and drove straight past Mrs Putter’s house. Mrs Putter saw them drive past but did not think anything of it. The woman in the polo then went back to Louisa and Lannel’s home on Luipard Street to drop off Sophie. The woman had told Sophie she is a social worker from the church.
An hour later, at 10.00am the woman arrived back at Anna Putter’s house and told her she is from the church and has groceries and clothes to help the children. Anna Putter was grateful as any help is appreciated as they are battling financially. The woman asked to use the bathroom. The woman was in Anna Putter’s house for between 5 – 10 minutes. She queried about the baby’s eating habits and health. Anna Putter told the woman that the baby is ill and on medication and that the baby must keep going to the clinic for check ups. Whilst at the house, the woman asked Anna to have a look at the clinic card. She then said they must go together to the clinic to make sure all the details recorded on the card is correct, as many people write false details on the clinic cards and asked Anna Putter if there is a clinic in the area. Mrs Putter told her there is one in Krugersdorp West. The woman had a blue baby car seat already in the car. Baby Cornelius was put into the car seat from Anna Putter’s house. They drove past the clinic, it was closed so Mrs Putter told the woman, there is another clinic next to the Police Station. They drove to the clinic by the Police Station, it was open. The woman then said to Mrs Putter, “No let us rather go to the clinic at Paardekraal Hospital”. The woman did not know how to get to Paardekraal Hospital as Anna Putter had to direct her. They arrived at Paardekraal and the woman made a u-turn at the gate of the hospital, and told Anna Putter that she is very thirsty and drove to the petrol station by the hospital. The woman took money out of a huge brown bag, gave money to Mrs Putter to go in to the shop to buy them both a cold drink. Till then Anna Putter was holding on to the clinic card, but then put it down by the hand brake as Anna Putter wanted to take baby Cornelius with, and the woman, told her “leave the baby, the baby is alright”. Anna Putter proceeded to go and buy cold drinks without the baby, and when she came out of the shop, the woman in the white Polo had already driven off with baby Cornelius. At the time baby Cornelius was wearing denim pants and a light blue t-shirt with cars as motifs on the front. A baby milk bottle and a toweling nappy used to “wind” the baby went with, in the car.
Anna Putter immediately phoned Lannel and told him to quickly get to the Engen Petrol Station and she was in hysterics. She then called the police who took one and a half hours to arrive, and the police station is not far from the incident at all. Lannel and Louisa realized there is a huge problem. When they arrived at the Petrol Station Anna Putter was in an uncontrollable state and told them that the baby has been stolen from her.
One of Lannel and Louisa’s concerns is that the Department of Home Affairs has been giving them many problems in registering their baby. So to date, they do not have a birth certificate for Cornelius.
The baby does not take a dummy, and has two distinguishing marks. The one is a “star” shaped red mark between its two eyes and the second is a white “pimple” on his right eye lid which is also visible when the baby’s eyes are open. The “star” and “white pimple” are both marks which are inherited from the baby’s father Lannel, as he too has the same features in the same places.
Till now only a finger print was found and taken from the bathroom of Anna Putter’s home, which has not yet been identified as being a family member’s print or that of the abductor.
A recording is available of the vehicle at the petrol station, and it is available from the investigator in charge and from the petrol station’s security system. Unfortunately the identity of the woman is not visible. We are sure with professional help, the number plate may be zoomed into, to make out the number as there are positions of the vehicle where the back number plate is visible.
Any help in investigating and trying to get baby Cornelius back is all we ask for as Cornelius has medical problems. Baby Cornelius was on medication for epilepsy, and constipation. Cornelius has a swallowing problem and was on medication for that too. On the 20 March, 2007, Louisa and Lannel were due to take Cornelius to any ClinicGarden City Clinic for a check up and to get more medication. Baby Cornelius has health problems and Louisa and Lannel plea for their baby to be returned safely and immediately as without medication the baby will get worse.
If any other information is required, please contact Lannel on 0822533883
Louisa Roets and Lannel Putter on the morning of the abduction
Identikit of abductor and Baby Cornelius at birth
White Volkswagen Polo Classic outside shop at Engen Petrol Station, Paardekraal

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