Thursday, January 11, 2007

Don't Swallow Your Pills With...

You may be tempted to take your daily pills / medications with a sip of juice, coffee, or even a beer. A pharmacist Euler explains why water is a safer bet:

Grapefruit juice - It may inhibit enzymes that help metabolize certain pills, including some heart drugs, antidepressants and antifungals. That can make them less effective and worsen side effects.

Coffee, tea, cola - Consuming caffeine regularly while using certain asthma drugs may increase side effects. Caffeine can irritate the stomach, so avoid with NSAIDs such as ibuprofen.

Milk - Calcium prevents absorption of some antibiotics.

Alcohol - You risk liver damage if your drink regularly and use acetaminophen. Alcohol can diminish the effects of antidepressants and worsen side effects of other drugs.

Cranberry juice - Reports suggest drinking it while on warfarin, an anticoagulant, may increase bleeding.

Fiber drinks - Fiber can bind with many drugs, decreasing effectiveness.

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