Wednesday, April 11, 2007

10 Things We Can Do To Reduce Global Warming...

I think we all understand that it is important to be concerned about our enviorment and the effect we are all having on it. However, I think it’s hard to figure out what we can each do to reduce our enviornmental damage. Here is a list of 10 things you can do to help slow down global warming. Also, you can calculate your carbon waste in the carbon calculator at the bottom of the list.

Install a programmable thermostat
Programmable thermostats will automatically lower the heat or air conditioning at night and raise them again in the morning. They can save you $100 a year on your energy bill

Plant a tree
A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. Shade provided by trees can also reduce your air conditioning bill by 10 to 15%. The Arbor Day Foundation has information on planting and provides trees you can plant with membership.

Do not leave appliances on standby
Use the “on/off” function on the machine itself. A TV set that’s switched on for 3 hours a day (the average time Europeans spend watching TV) and in standby mode during the remaining 21 hours uses about 40% of its energy in standby mode

Take a shower instead of a bath
A shower takes up to four times less energy than a bath. To maximise the energy saving, avoid power showers and use low-flow showerheads, which are cheap and provide the same comfort.

Buy intelligently
One bottle of 1.5l requires less energy and produces less waste than three bottles of 0.5l. As well, buy recycled paper products: it takes less 70 to 90% less energy to make recycled paper and it prevents the loss of forests worldwide.

Buy fresh foods instead of frozen
Frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce.

Air Dry Your Clothes.
Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year, and add longevity to your clothes.

Run your dishwasher only with a full load.
Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.

Avoid products with too much packaging.
Save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%

Use Recycled Paper
Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.

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